Friday, November 5, 2010


I found this video on Vimeo while I was searching for a video for my "The Body: Beauty, Sex, and Consumerism" course. I really enjoyed it. It is very informative and innovative short documentary that will lead to viewer satisfaction if they are a avid follower of urban trends, fashion and music. Since I am a marketing student, I found this beneficial on many aspects.

This short documentary attempts to comprehend the soul of influence, what makes a person influential without taking a statistical or metric approach. INFLUENCERS explores what it means to be an influencer and how trends and creativity become contagious today in music, fashion and entertainment. The film was written and directed by Paul Rojanathara and Davis Johnson. The embedded video description categorized INFLUENCERS as a "Polaroid snapshot of New York influential creatives (advertising, design, fashion and entertainment) who are shaping today's pop culture."


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