Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Eighty4 Fly

I don't have specific information on this artist but I came across his music while I was doing my usual searching on Vimeo. He falls in the category of a trendy artist. He's very up to date with his music while articulating the usual current hip hop topics; money, weed, fashion and women. Don't make the mistake of interpreting that previous statement as a bad review because if that was the case Eighty4 Fly wouldn't be on my blog but his music is unique because it feels authentic.

Cool, calm and suave.

EIGHTY4 FLY - HipHopSh!t


This a collaborative mixtape by Eighty4 Fly and Teal, a producer from Seattle, titled The Raging Vampire Remixes. It features Eighty4 Fly's music but mixed in with electro instrumentals produced by Teal.


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