This duo consists of childhood friends, Malcolm-Jay(Malcolm Jamal Wilson) and DJ Envoy(Daniel Caneda), hails from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and they provide the sound waves with some smooth lyrics and some really enjoyable instrumentals.
There is no doubt that this group has a distinctive taste in music and are inspired by the late 80's and early 90's state of the Hip Hop era. Never shy of experimenting is what makes this group really enjoyable. They pen down words that find their way into listeners hearts, with their sentimental yet relate-able subject manner.
Picture riding around in 88' with your 80' Mercedes-Benz 560SL listening to the year old Paid In Full by Eric B. & Rakim. This is the type of vibe that this Canadian group instills in their music. Cool, Calm and Collective.
Besides everything already mentioned, this group possess substance and that's what makes them easily a great group.
Their new album, No Time To Sleep, is now available for download. I recently contacted the group and they supplied me with an advanced digital copy of the album. I've been listening to it ever since I synced it to my iPod. It easily made its my way to my daily playlist.(Keep your ears open for Running Back)
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